Christmas wish list

Hey everyone,

With Christmas just around the corner and having finished all of my Christmas shopping last week I thought that I would write a Christmas list for myself as I haven’t done one this year!  I love reading other peoples gift guides and getting inspiration for my own so I thought I’d share mine in case you were looking for some ideas to add to yours this Christmas.

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Boux avenue review 

​Hi all,
Today I will be giving you an account of my boux avenue experience. For those of you who don’t know the company, Boux Avenue Ltd. is a chain of lingerie stores based in the United Kingdom. I would say it is middle / upper market as bras start from around £30 and up.  Of course this is maybe not as expensive as agent provocateur but remember I am only a student haha !
Being the bargain hunter that I am,  I checked out their sale and found it pretty difficult to find any good sales for my size. This is partly due to their website being really bad ( sorry boux avenue but you need to make it more user friendly !)  but also because bigger sizes seem to be less discounted.
So anyway once I navigated around their site and came across some affordable bras (in the 10-12 pound region) I decided to purchase a cute red bra.  Upon purchasing,  I was able to choose the free gift wrap option that promised beautiful wrapping paper and scented rose petals. 
When it arrived I was very impressed with the wrapping service but the scented rose petals were a let down as I really had to search in the packing to find them and their scent wasn’t very strong. 

However,  my bra fitted amazingly and the quality was really good. 
Overall rating:  8/10



Hey all,


I do apologise for my lengthy disappearance. I’ve just started university again so things have been pretty hectic.


However, I have some good news! I’ve been nominated for another Liebster Award! Yay! I love doing tags like this! Thank you Alluring Alaska Beauty  for nominating me! Go check them out how lovely she is! So let’s get started!


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Asian Beauty Blog Party Interview with Eva

Hey lovelies,

Today I will be interviewing my very good friend called Eva. I met her in Paris during my year abroad and she lives in Taiwan. I wanted to ask her a few questions about her beauty habits in order to see what the differences between Western and Asian beauty are.

I hope you enjoy the interview!

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How long it takes you to get ready ?- interview with a fellow blogger

According to Marie Claire women spending whopping 91 hours a year, that’s 43 weeks of our lives are spent applying make-up, moisturiser and blowdrying our hair each day. It’s crazy to think that we are spending that much time on ourselves .

So just because I’m ( and I’m sure you are too)secretly fascinated by other people’s grooming routines  I asked a fellow blogger, Abigail,a few questions about her make up habits.



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No7 Stay Perfect Amazing Eyes Pencil Deep Green review



Hi everybody!

I am back and today I will be reviewing the No7 Stay Perfect Amazing Eyes Pencil Deep Green. No7 sells a set of pencils that come in five different colours, however I will be reviewing just the green one as this is the colour that caught my eye. I have blue eyes so it was interesting to see the result.

The look:

Colour & Pigmentation:

It is a metallic deep green, which I adore as it looks vibrant next to my blue eyes. I think it would also be a nice contrast for those of you with brown eyes.


According to the boots websiteNo7 Stay Perfect Amazing Eye Pencils glide on easily and give intense colour that stays put all day ‘However the reality of using the pencil is rather different. Indeed the pencil is very difficult to apply as it’s hard  and so in order to get any colour, you need to press down on the pencil hard and drag across the eyes- I really don’t like doing that because the skin around the eyes is thin and delicate.


I have tried pressing the pencil softly but I hardly obtain any colour when I do this. When I have pressed hard on the point of the pencil and this has actually caused it to crumble or break off. Due to this problem, I also find these pencils difficult to sharpen because the crayon can easily break off or smear across the sharpener.


I rather like the packaging. The pencil is double ended- it comes with the pencil crayon on one side and on the other side, there is a sponge tip applicator which is used to blend the pencils and give a smoky effect.

Yet I do find that the packaging is actually very misleading because the pencil looks quite long, but there is only a tiny bit of product in this pencil since half of it is shared with the brush space.


Once applied, the pencil gives long lasting colour and I did not have to reapply at all during the day, which is fantastic since with other eyeliners I have to reapply every 2 hours.

Would I repurchase?

Yes! Although it is somewhat hard to apply it does deliver great results.

Lots of love,

Charlotte xoxo
