How long it takes you to get ready ?- interview with a fellow blogger

According to Marie Claire women spending whopping 91 hours a year, that’s 43 weeks of our lives are spent applying make-up, moisturiser and blowdrying our hair each day. It’s crazy to think that we are spending that much time on ourselves .

So just because I’m ( and I’m sure you are too)secretly fascinated by other people’s grooming routines  I asked a fellow blogger, Abigail,a few questions about her make up habits.



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What I Learned By Going Makeup-Free

What I Learned By Going Makeup-Free

Dear readers,

During the summer I have been wearing less and less make up every day. Funnily enough this has been quite a liberating experience even though the media continually tells us that we should be make-uped all the time. I know what you’re thinking: it’s not even possible to feel liberated without any make up as all your flaws are on show. Well, contrary to popular belief, life as you know it will not end if you skip makeup every now and then and opt for a fresh face.

A great artist that is taking this to another level is Alicia Keys who has decided to stop wearing make-up full stop. I love experimenting with my look so I’m not sure if I could go on a make-up ban but big up to her. Here I will share with you 3 things I learned by going make up free. Enjoy!

  1. My skin got clearer and my eyelashes grew longer

Indeed, makeup Isn’t Necessarily Great for Your Skin even though it’s marketed as a product that hides your flaws and you can even get spot healing make up. The truth was after stopping wearing foundation and mascara I noticed changes.

I noticed that my skin became clearer. And without having to remove mascara everyday my eyelashes had the time to grow a bit (or at least seem like it) so that I would have longer lashes after putting mascara on after a makeup ban.


2. I saved SO MUCH money…

I am not saying that I buy Chanel make up or anything but even using affordable makeup products from brands like Maybelline add up if you use it every day.  And if you’re a student you know the struggle for cash. With the money saved up I treated myself to a restaurant outing with friends etc.

3. I was able to relax as I saved so much TIME

Everyone knows the rush of doing their makeup before work/school/ a date. Indeed, Putting on makeup can take anywhere from 10 minutes to upwards of an hour depending on how you feel about yourself that day. Whilst going bare, I was able to sleep in so much longer and there is the expression ‘beauty sleep’ for a reason right?


To conclude, I’m not saying don’t wear makeup every again, but just think of it as you’ll be doing your skin a good service if you choose a fresh face opposed to heavy makeup on a regular basis.  It’s important to have a balance of make-up and non-make up days.

Lots of love,

Charlotte xoxo

no make up



Pony tail look

Sometimes I’m just not in the mood to spend a lot of time on my hair.  But at the same time, I don’t want to do the same look all the time with my hair down.


So today I tried a pony tail because frankly I only ever wear my hair down. I decided to keep my side fridge out so it was kinda harder to do. But I just put a clip of my fridge part to separate it from the rest of my hair and then tied it up.


I think it looks ok and is really nice when you are trying to work as there is no hair in your face . ( see picture below).

pony tail number 1

I think it can help reduce wrinkles because as you tie your hair up really tightly, you pull your face skin back. However, I would not recommend you to wear your hair like this in freezing conditions ( as I did).

Another way of doing it is to try your whole hair back into a pony tail- this is great for all those who don’t have a side fringe and just want to get their hair out of the way. I particularly like to do this when I do cardio or a zumba class as it holds up my hair pretty well as you can see below.

pony tail number 2


Funnily enough this hairstyle helped me realise how your hair keeps your neck and ears warm!

Do you like wearing ponytails? Xoxo

My love-hate relationship with summer


Dear readers,

Those who have read my previous blog post will have noted that I hadn’t posted in a few days because I was feeling down. And here I write a post in order to explain why I have been feeling down. This post isn’t going to be easy to write but I think it’s important that I do this for myself if not someone else who is in the same position as me as has no one to turn to or to relate to.

I love summer as it is synonymous with fun and freedom. By April, most students will be done with exams and if not we will be shortly going on holiday and relaxing. But summertime does have some negativity attached to it, especially if you’re a girl. I will go into details as to why;

  1. We are taught to hate ourselves and be super self-conscious

So as everyone knows summer is approaching and the propaganda for getting fit for the summer or getting that ‘summer body’ is everywhere. But what exactly is this summer body? It seems to impose a view on us that our normal bodies are not good enough and that we will be ashamed to show our bodies in the summer time unless we have worked to produce this ‘summer body’. This means that gyms start to get packed and people start to do extreme exercise, however I am really against this whole ideology. Not because I think it’s bad to exercise, but because I believe that we should strive to exercise and improve our bodies all year round not only during the summer months.

And it is exactly this ideology that has been making me feel down because for the first time in my life I have decided that I am truly fat even though I am naturally slim. I am honestly sick and tired of the media constantly telling us that we are not good enough according to society’s beauty standards. We should love our bodies and strive to get healthy and not simply to lose weight

  1. Predators are out and about

Also, as it gets hotter, we wear less clothes and this is something NORMAL that we do. However, as a woman I have received quite a lot of backlash for dressing in a summer fashion and I know I’m not the only one. By this I mean men beeping at women in their cars as they walk past ones that they consider as ‘hot’ and men thinking that they can touch women inappropriately because they are dressed like a ‘slut’. I am so sick of this as well and I can only hope things change.

In consequence of this kind of behaviour I really don’t feel comfortable wearing dresses without leggings underneath or shorts unless I am with someone else or actually in a holiday resort where it is considered ‘normal’ (as it truly is) to be wearing summer clothes.

I guess I should feel more reassured since the British government started an imitative last year where you can text a number if you are harassed on public transport in London with the location where the incident happened and when it did. However, when I went on the tube I realised that there are no cameras on the tube compartments themselves so it is unlikely to protect us unfortunately.

Now I would like to end with a few words of wisdom:

5 Facts Every Woman Should Know:

  1. Everyone has rolls when they bend over.
  2. When someone tells you that you’re beautiful, believe them. They aren’t lying.
  3. It’s okay to not love every part of your body…but you should.
  4. No one has a flat stomach just after eating
  5. Society’s beauty standards do not define how beautiful you truly are


I just had to get that off my chest and I hope that by speaking about it we can raise awareness about it to eventually get to a solution.

Lots of love,

Charlotte xoxo


Tyler’s beauty routine

Hey bloggers! Today I will be introducing someone very special to me: Tyler.  He is my dog and I have had him for about two years.

He is three years old (which is 32 in human years!) but I adopted him two years ago when I helped him escape an abusive life style. Indeed his owners weren’t capable of looking after him as they had five dogs and didn’t walk them ever! From this experience I honestly can say that if you want a dog I think that the most beautiful thing you can do is adopt a dog to help them get back to a normal life.

So anyway back to the subject matter.  I shall be presenting to you Tyler’s beauty routine. As he is a bichon frisé he requires a lot of maintenance.  According to some websites bichons need to be groomed at least every 6 weeks and of course this can be costly so if you are thinking of getting one do bear this in mind.

But that is not all of it! Indeed between the grooming sessions you will need to take care of your bichon as its hair can get knotty very easily.  What I do is try to brush him every two days if not every day!

The look:

Here are the steps to Tyler’s beauty routine:

1.De-tangling brush

I use this to start off with as it just helps to get out a few knots. I wouldn’t rely on this entirely as there will be deeper knots.

See original image

2.Metal comb
This is the comb to use to get to the proper knots. Now this will not be pleasant for the dog so try to hold the hair you are combing whilst you run the comb through it so that is less painful for him/her.

See original image

3.Fluffing up brush

This brush looks pretty weird but it does a great job at fluffing up you dog to make him/ her look beautiful. Use this brush all in one direction to get the best results.

See original image

4.Eye cleaning

Bichons usually get tear stains which are brown and smelly. It is crucial to remove these every day or the stain could get harder to remove. Use special wipes specifically for eye tears

See original image

Done !

Do you have a pet? Do send me a picture.

Lots of love,

Charlotte xoxo

Caviar Nails Review

One of the hottest new nail art trends is the caviar manicure, a three-dimensional look created when tiny beads, called “caviar pearls,” are pressed into regular polish. I truly got hyped up about this trend of nail ‘caviar’ thinking that it would be super ultra.  However, I was really let down. In this article, I’ll give you a quick overview of my experience with the caviar nail polish.


Pictures speak louder than words so I will post a picture to show what I mean:



Apart from my wonky fingers, it is clear that this nail caviar does not provide the luxury implied in its title. It has been described as a ‘carpet’ texture by one of my friends and I just thought it looked fuzzy.

Also, the caviar pearls won’t last long on your nails as I had a few pearls pop off within two hours of application. I applied a top coat to make them last but actually all that happened was that the colour of the pearls came off and my nails looked awful

In summation, caviar nails are not my thing at all. By all means try it out and make your own opinion about it- you can’t go wrong when you can get about half a dozen different coloured nailed caviars for a quid in the pound shop.


Let me know if your experiences with nail caviar have been better than mine xoxo

Come follow my Instagram account!


I have decided to create an Instagram account relating to beauty as well as bits and bobs. On there you’ll find some sneak peeks of upcoming blog posts and also images beauty related.

Here is my account name: @eyeallureblog. Any follows will be much appreciated, and I’ll be sure to follow back!


Lots of love,

Charlotte xoxo

Tangle Angel Detangling Hair Brush review


Hi all,

I hope you are having a wonderful day. Today I will be talking about a life saver product: the Tangle Angel Detangling Hair Brush.

I have super knotty hair and de-tangling brushes have honestly revolutionised my life as it has made brushing my hair pleasurable rather than painful. So the other day when I was in TK maxx I bought the Tangle Angel Detangling Hair Brush and I thought I would do a review of it. Enjoy!

Overall Rating: 4/5

Tangle Angel Classic Black Hair Brush

I’ve only had it for a few days but I have been loving using it as it is very easy  to hold with a grippable head and  I can even use it with wet hair and when blow-drying my hair. But the good things don’t stop there as it is easy to get hair out of the brush, which I have found to be a struggle with other brushes in general.

Also, the design is aesthetically pleasing so I love using it. Furthermore, the small size means that I can pop it easily into any handbag, which is great for when I’m late for a party or rushing to the gym.

My only gripe is that brush bristles are slightly weak so I don’t know how long this brush will last but apart from that I love this product.

tanglw brush