Tangle Angel Detangling Hair Brush review


Hi all,

I hope you are having a wonderful day. Today I will be talking about a life saver product: the Tangle Angel Detangling Hair Brush.

I have super knotty hair and de-tangling brushes have honestly revolutionised my life as it has made brushing my hair pleasurable rather than painful. So the other day when I was in TK maxx I bought the Tangle Angel Detangling Hair Brush and I thought I would do a review of it. Enjoy!

Overall Rating: 4/5

Tangle Angel Classic Black Hair Brush

I’ve only had it for a few days but I have been loving using it as it is very easy  to hold with a grippable head and  I can even use it with wet hair and when blow-drying my hair. But the good things don’t stop there as it is easy to get hair out of the brush, which I have found to be a struggle with other brushes in general.

Also, the design is aesthetically pleasing so I love using it. Furthermore, the small size means that I can pop it easily into any handbag, which is great for when I’m late for a party or rushing to the gym.

My only gripe is that brush bristles are slightly weak so I don’t know how long this brush will last but apart from that I love this product.

tanglw brush