Kiss me lip balm review

Hey all,

A few months ago I was still living in Paris and I was going to a store called SEPHORA. Americans will probably know this store but for those from the UK it’s like our equivalent of boots but only for make-up.

During the sale season, I discovered small little eggs called kiss me. They are tinted lip balms that moisturise your lips whilst still giving you a lipstick look and are available in 6 different colours. I have the cotton candy balm and I adore it.

After having used it for several months, I will share with you a quick review:



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July favourites


Hello everyone, welcome back to my blog!

As the month of July is quickly coming to an end, I have decided to do my July Favourites post. Enjoy


The secret life of pets


I know I’m technically an adult but I love children’s movies (especially this one). I have a pet dog and it was funny to see what pets could potentially do when owners leave them alone. It’s obviously fictional but sooo funny. Great voices for the characters and music too.


Evie offline


Absolutely adored this story about an independent woman’s struggle with being single and her addiction to the internet.  It brings back so many home truths and makes me think whether life would be more interesting without the internet and questions society’s values about single women past the age of thirty. I bought this book in Paris but it was translated from English so I am sure you can find it in a bookstore near year.



I absolutely love Sephora’s Kiss Me Balm. The packaging is so cute like an egg. It also smells super delicious as well as moisturising and tinting my lips at the same time.

That’s all for now.  Hope to hear from you soon.

Lots of love,

Charlotte xoxo