What jobs can you do with a languages degree?


Hello lovelies,

Hope all is going well. It is getting very cold here in London and I do not like it one bit, however, life must go on. Today I will be discussing potential jobs that you can do using a language degree since I remember the negativity when I was studying my degree- people used to tell me that all I could do was become a teacher. Although, that is one avenue that you can go down, in this blog post I hope to break the stereotypes and show you the variety of career roots that you can go down by interviewing three languages graduates (including myself). I hope you enjoy the post 🙂

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First work wardrobe essentials

If you’re getting ready to start a summer internship, or are preparing for your first corporate job, you’re probably stressing out not only about the world of work but also the “workwear.” After years of wearing comfy jeans and t-shirts, during my undergrad days, I quickly realised that this would not do in the office and quickly scrambled to buy an entire wardrobe of work-wear clothes. I’m sure that I’m not the only one who struggled with finding an ‘acceptable’ work wear wardrobe when they started working so I thought I’d share a few tips to help others out. Here goes:

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